Wednesday, June 24, 2020

2020 Guide to Choosing the Right University

NEWS: Which British University Is Right for You? A 2020 Guide As 2020 applicants are thoroughly studying admission essay topics, many of them are also concerned with making the right choice in this sphere. A recent publication by The Guardian has provided some interesting insights into the changing perceptions of UK universities. Let us revise these league tables and try to identify which educational institution may be the optimal choice for different groups of students in 2020. Overall Satisfaction St Andrews, Aberystwyth, and UWE Bristol were the only three universities getting 90+ marks in terms of course satisfaction. Due to some strange reason, no students from Cambridge and Oxford provided their appraisals in this area, which may be seen as a sign of some serious non-disclosure policies or respondent concerns for anonymity and confidentiality. The same was true for satisfaction with teaching where St Andrews and Aberystwyth got the highest ranking and satisfaction with feedback where the only remaining leader was Aberystwyth. Considering the lack of information from Oxford and Cambridge students, this makes this university the top choice in this sphere according to student reviews.   Costs In terms of entry tariffs, the top three institutions were Cambridge, Oxford, and St Andrews. The earlier mentioned Aberystwyth university ranked much lower with average figures being more than two times smaller than those of the list leaders. This makes it an interesting option for students seeking the best cost/performance ratio. Career Prospects Finally, career prospects were measured as the percentage of university graduates finding their first jobs within six months following their graduation. The top 5 leaders of the least were Imperial College, Lancaster, London South Bank, Bath, and Cambridge with the number of successful graduates ranging from 87 to 91%. It can be summarised that the list does not suggest a ‘one-size-fits-all’ option for 2020 applicants. You need to carefully appraise your own academic preferences as well as your personal capabilities. For example, if you struggle with academic writing assignments or need essay writing help, you may want to choose the universities with the highest rankings in terms of satisfaction with teaching and feedback to receive proper support in your learning.